Wednesday 2 November 2011

Proverbally Yours// Message and Interpretation

This is the final design printed on coloured stock 

This is the posters in an environment 

Crit Responses

After reading through my crit feedback i worked back into my posters taking some of there suggestions in hand and experimented further with the design to create a range of other possibilities using altering the type to various fills and outline as well as other visual symbols. 
altering text so it isnt as squashed (as commented in feedback), aligning the path better across the two posters and adding a comical mexican styled moustache

adding an eye

having just the eye

having a more emotional expression for pac man

adding a tongue

chaning fill of text

changing fill of text

changing fill of text

adding a tongue with drool

a different type of drool effect

altering placement of tongue

combining both moustache and tongue

flipping the animated characters position and sizing around

adding a comical moustache to the animatied chilli

changing the animation to a pacman character

adding a colour to the pacman character

I found the crit very useful and it allowed me to think of other ideas for my design and further possibilities as a series of posters.

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