Thursday 3 November 2011

Design Principles: Colour

Everyone had to collect 5 items of each colour; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violent
We then got split up and assigned a colour in which we had to order in some way
My group was green:
original pile of green objects

colours organised

We organised them by working from the edges of the other colours, for example the greens which had a lot of blue in we put towards blue and work away from, the same with the other end yellow. Eventually we ended up with a deep dark green in the centre with the lime greens going one way and the turquoise greens going the other. 

The overall result of everyones organised colours:

In the presentation we learnt about colour theory, colour wheels which involve primary, secondary and tertiary as well as CHROMATIC VALUE
the differentiation of colours by tint, hue, shade, saturation etc.


In a group of 5 we identified a main colour and then using the other objects created tint, hue and shade (clockwise from 12)
Then we identified each colour of the objects using the pantone colour code guide:

We were asked to find our favourite PANTONE COLOURS using photoshop, i simply can't cut down my favourite colours to one of each but here are some i favour:

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