Sunday 9 December 2012

Responsive: Design Process 2 - Batiste

Initial Ideas:

I looked at the D&AD briefs but this one struck a cord. After currently working in the beauty retail industry I started to get ideas of new products for the dry shampoo range. I instantly thought to add glitter/sparkle to it as it's absolutely plastered everywhere at the moment and there are currently products which is shimmer dust to go on skin, clothes and hair. This would be incorporating the fashion and style element into a health and beauty product. I immediately started thinking of colours, smells and the target audience. Females who finish work late or possible go the gym and have social occasions to rush to being a priority to consider in this season of Christmas and similarly men who finish work or the gym who need to freshen up before social meet ups aka christmas parties, social drinks and dates. 

I came up with an initial campaign concept of both the sexes leaving tiring and time consuming situations aka work or gym with there hair in appropriate formats e.g. tied back or slicked back and then them applying the sparkle or fresh spray to the hair and letting there hair loose. This would be on route to meet at a social situation aka at a bar with the light catching the sparkle in the girls hair as the guy approaches. It would be like a high end perfume ad meets a drinks ad campaign. Capitalising on the season on christmas in particular as it being ideal for transforming yourself for different situations with a non time consuming act. 

I particularly thought this would be a good route to go down as from looking at the website the target market is completely focused on women and with men now being more and more appearance concentrated and concerned there is a new a target in reach.

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