Wednesday 5 December 2012

Design Production: Concept Crit

Research Boards:

Feedback:1 -Visual presentations are great, give us a clever ideaNeed a little bit more explanation on the brief, background behind itGreat name idea
2 -Is the layout of the restaurant going to be laid out like a typeface like a typeface?... kerning between chairs etc.Toilets - ascenders / descenders
3 -Your type of coffeeLove this makes it personal and associated with type, good idea
4 -Like the manipulation of type used within a foody context - good ideasThink about ways you can involve typePuns - manipulate menu content etc.5 -Good visual researchGood focus and visionPattern and shapes is a cool ideaGood name idea - The counterA lot to consider - don't give yourself to much work! Be achievableYou know your audience
Simon -Love the name ideaCould have different counters for different areas of food Good concept because people would enjoy the decorative interior and designers will pick up on the puns and enjoy it as wellCan see it blowing up on twitter
5 things I don't know about my content:
  1. words/phrase of type for the puns
  2. food at deli restaurants
  3. the content that would go on the website
  4. interactive element to delis
  5. typefaces delis typically go for - sans serif? hand rendered? etc
  6. possible locations

5 ways the audience may interact with or come into contact with your work: 
  1. lunch time/afternoon & morning
  2. handling it whilst eating/drinking
  3. type wall - leave message/signature - interact personally
  4. passing by the location
  5. online through social networking or blogging campaign
5 problems with the brief that need solving and why:
  1. how will designers know about it? because there the audience who will most appreciate it
  2. how far can you push the type element without it loosing the normal market? because you want to appeal to a variety of audience
  3. how can people interact more with the type part? so it's not just visual but also informative
  4. what is it going to offer people? so the appropriate out comes can be produced
  5. how is the tone of voice going to come through? so the appropriate communication of the environment is expressed

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