Sunday 11 December 2011

Software Workshop Photoshop

We had our introduction to photoshop will Simon and learnt several tools and procedures available on the software to aid us in design including working with layers, colour manipulation and compositing. This is our exploration in the workshop:


We were given the task to produce a set of five postcards exploring a particular colour based upon photographs we took in the colour theory sessions. I took some of the photos i took and played around with different tools as i still felt unexperienced and a bit in the dark about what to do for the postcards.
Intially i messed around adding in images from google to the image i took, using the magic wand tool to remove the background and transform/scale tool to resize the image into mine.

I began by playing with adding layers and editing opacity to create different shades.
Then i explored hue/saturation, colour balance, britness/contrast, photo filter, channel mixer, exposure, invert and levels.
I brought the image back to the original layers and took certain oens away to change the layering and shades, i then experimented with adding more layers and building the image up.

I still don't no what to do but it was good to experiment.

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