Monday 5 December 2011

How to buy a engagement ring

Mid-Week Crit Feedback

We ran through the ideas and designs we had mid brief with the tutors. They really liked what we were doing but were unsure on the format of a booklet as they were keen on the idea of it being personal and private. With this secrecy factor to our idea we felt a booklet was defiantly not the way to go as it could easily be left around for someone to find and could seem intriguing with the design we planned (black with printed foil on the front).
This then lead our group to brainstorm what other formats would be more suitable to the secrecy of buying a diamond engagement ring. We came up with the idea of possibly having a website in which men would sign up for and log into with a secret password. This would then go hand in hand with a downloadable app and a printable/postable booklet which would then have a simplified version of the website. This would enable men to gather the information they need from the website and then use the app or booklet, which ever is best suitable to them, to aid them in choosing the exact type of ring they wanted with the help of a checklist. 
This idea is much more realistic in the environment than the booklet as we didn't see where the booklet would be placed in the market due to it aiding the consumers against the jewellery market to get the best and most affordable ring most suited to them. 
We are going with one of the format of designs that was created by Sam, a simple pictogram style of describing the different areas to a diamond. 
As a group we've split up the tasks between us and are concentrating on different sections. We all plan to  keep it simple and informal to connect with the target audience, breaking it down step by step and making the process less complicated and difficult to understand so that people with no clue about diamonds are informed about there purchase.

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