Saturday 6 April 2013

Design Practice 2: Initial Ideas

I sketched out some ideas of how this concept could be visualised. I looked at the form of analog cameras and shapes that features in there design as inspiration. I wanted something simple and minimal drawn from cameras or photography for this exhibition. The circle of the lens and its shutter was what I focused on most.

I did some digital mock ups of my sketches to see how they would look. They didn't work like I had hoped. The shutter closing over the lens taken from the canon snappy looked more like the road sign than the camera. 

I quite like the idea of using the 'o' of original for the camera lense
I tried adding the text to the circle imagery using different typefaces but struggle to make it work.
I went with the stripped back circle outline as I wanted the logo to be simple. I tried arranging the title in different ways instead of just underneath. I arranged it to the top right like the viewfinder on the front of the camera.

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