Monday 9 April 2012

Design Principles: What is a line? - Poster Redo

I decided to have a rethink about my posters as although i did like the idea there wasn't much attachment to the fact this new range is mean to be fashionable for younger people so i had the idea of attaching famous icons who are known for wearing glasses wearing the Aztec range.
I traced round famous icon Lady Gaga who is frequently seeing wearing exaggerated glasses as shown in my research. I chose the image wear she has a bow out of hair in her hairstyle as i wanted it to be an image recognisable to her.
I didn't like the effect i was getting from using two tones of colour so after experimenting with that i decided to try a texture instead.

This i felt worked much better but there something right so i changed the glasses and tried different traces.

This full shape which included body as well as hair i think worked a lot better.

To show they were prescription glasses i added the light tone to the lens.
Another icon i did was Harry Potter as one of the glass frames i had created i noticed was similar to the glasses his wear. This adds an alternative to gender and a different type of icon.

When i'd finished these two designs i was happy with the result. I added text to explain that it was advertising a new range at Specsavers and lightly added aztec pattern to the background of the posters.

I looked back at my other poster designs and realised a lot of them were very much the same, simple and not much interesting about them. After having the hindsight of time and this new design idea i decided to discard some of them and altered the others that i thought worked better to the style of the icon posters so theres a running theme in them.

I felt the text in grey worked better than the aztec now it had a different background.

I liked the idea of using this background on these posters as it was a theme then running through the posters and also it represents the unclearness of sight when not wearing glasses.

With the lens being lighter this shows the clearness of sight through the glasses and lessens the mugginess of background.

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