Wednesday 12 October 2011

Alphabet Soup - Typeface Development

I printed out my sketches a couple of times to experiment with different widths and styles to the designs i had created to try and get more of Andreas personality and character across in the typeface. First i made the main body of the letters thick and then the parts representing the following letter thin to create a contrast between the two sections as to bring to light what was happening in the typeface and show the duel aspects of her personality in a more obvious approach.

I then switched the inital idea and tried making the main body of the letter thin and the parts representing the next letter thicker to give an opposite effect. I quite liked how these where looking although for some letters it did become difficult.

For my third attempt i tried making the letters more curvy instead of so straight and serious, this showing the open minded side of her personality as well as her friendly confidence when meeting new people. This however didn't look as effected in comparison to the others.

I asked my year tutor about the three different styles as i wasn't sure if they were liable as letters or a typeface but she spoke postively about them and agreed they matched what aspects i was going for. This lead me to trace the second idea on illustrator to get a more clean and accurate base for my final A1 sheet as well as get a clearer idea of how i'd work as a typeface.
This gave me these:

I then thought about putting them together on one sheet to see how they'd look collectively on a 4 x 8 grid as the brief instructed. When doing this i decided to add curver corner edges, taking away the sides of the rectangle subtly showing a cross shape across the page, this representing her danish and english side (the flag).
Finally to give me a further idea of how well it work as a typeface i decided to test it out as the name badge.
Overall i think it is ledigble as a typeface as its still clear to read.

I plan on filling the thick sections in when handrendered to presented her confidence as the thin side will display her lack of self esteem.

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