Wednesday 21 September 2011


a character set that includes letters and is used to write a language

our brief summer brief was to create an alphabet which represented us and told people a bit about ourselves
i started to think of lots of different possibilities in how to go about this project and ended up combining two tasks in one
my mum couldn't wait to strip my room bare and make it all nice and magazine esque because it has always been covered head to toe, wall to wall and all inbetween with stuff. I've collected everything i've ever come across over the last 18 years basically and attached bluetac, you possibly could say i was a holder? i do tend to hold on to the past and memories, i don't ever want to forget where i've been, who i've met, what i've done, the jokes, the time, everything i've ever experienced really. Not the most easiest of hobbies to maintain in  standard bedroom but to get to the point i had to clear it free of all these things, i was moving on and moving out. So when going through boxes of stuff i'd completely forgot i even owned and had never used i decided i was going to use these things i've always been surrounded by to create my letters of my alphabet as they show me as a person and who i am, where i've been etc.

a: little pack of shaped rubbers, obviously never had the guts to ruin them
b: i've always worn loads of braclets on my wrists wether there friendships ones, ones people have given me, bobbles or festival bands
e: i have a massive selection of sample perfumes that my mums given me from going to barrats or something, i dont tend to use them but if ever i need them, i got them
i: beads i got from when i went to turkey when i was about 4? was a really good holiday
j: i love cards, always been a family thing, when in a restaurant waiting for food to arrive, on the beach on holiday, rainy days, or special occasions, now they tend to be used for drinking games though
l: i'm a catholic and this is a little mary statue i'm sure i accuried doing something catholic, maybe when i went to lourdes with school
o: i have a massive collection of charity badges, buttons and bobs
s: those friendship things everyone use to make for each other and had no real purpose but was fun
t: my cross necklace that i wear constantly, i did also have two other necklaces but being the cluts i am, i've misplaced them gradually, this one still stands as of the moment
x: my ps2 controller, always played games
y: the little wooden man that everyone seems to own, hes cool

i photographed all my items on white paper with my Nikon D60 and then edited them slightly mainly in contrast and tone to give them an old kind of look mainly because it is all past and where i'm coming from but also because i think it looks nice and effective with the texture background and shadows

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